"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Isaiah 52:7
Darrell & Sondra Holden

Your Faithful Partnership is Appreciated!
As followers of Christ we are called into our own unique partnership with God and what He is doing in His world. Whether you are a Christ-follower or simply someone who is excited to do your part to help meet the un-met needs of others, WILL YOU?...
Jesus taught his disciples, "Without me you can do nothing." Prayer is the hub of everything we do.
We welcome your prayers on our behalf. Please check out our current prayer list on our home page. If you like, you can also contact us to be added to our Prayer Email List.
Become a Special Project Partner. Send an extra financial gift for a special project and/or serve with us on the mission field short-term during a project. See our home page for current projects and project #'s.
We each are assigned to work in “ministry positions”. Our “wages” consist of income generated by financial partners. These tax-deductible financial gifts allow us to both carry out our ministry and live in Ecuador. Our Financial Partners are not just churches and community groups, but are mostly families, married couples, single adults, and college students, of all ages and backgrounds.
If you would like to become our financial partner, please select one of the options below, then follow the instructions provided. For each contribution given you will be sent a receipt for tax purposes as well as further instructions for subsequent or future gifts from Ripe for Harvest. THANK YOU FOR PARTNERING WITH US!
U.S. Mail
Please click on the link below then print, fill out, and mail this form with your check
(mailing address included in form).
Electronic Transfer and Credit Card Contributions
Please click on the link below and follow the instructions: